NELSON 5-Point Player Assessment (N5-PPA) Striving for Excellence
Want an Expert to assess your volleyball skills and ability?
Ruth N. Nelson has designed a 5-point Player Assessment that will provide valuable information for any player who is striving for excellence. This assessment will assist with the important variables greatly influencing a player’s success and their potential for playing college volleyball. In addition to the assessment, Nelson will provide the tools to support your becoming a complete player striving for success. The one hour assessment will assist with the important intangibles that greatly influence your success. Two cornerstones determine the degree of what you do with your God-given ability: they are your attitude and your work ethic (efforts). The rest of the intangibles support your becoming a complete player striving for excellence. Each item will be evaluated on the following: 5 = always; 4 = majority of time; 3 = fairly consistent; 2 = seldom; 1 = goes through motions |